Meal Plan Monday >>Week One<<

I don’t know about you guys but I have been seriously bored with my supper menu lately. I think it has something to do with spring being here. Everything outside is changing meanwhile in my kitchen the same 5 meals have been circulating. Boring.

I thought that maybe if I am getting bored that some of you might be also. So I asked a handful of my friends to help me in a series for the month of May. I am calling it Meal Plan Monday. Each Monday for the rest of this month I will have a guest post with 5 new supper ideas. That means I can get 20 new supper ideas and you guys can get 25 new supper ideas (including my 5 that I will give here today). Isn’t that exciting? And bonus- you all can get to know a few of my friends! Win-win!


Here are 5 (maybe) new supper ideas for you! Are you in the sharing mood? You are welcome to share your favorite recipes in the comments! The more the merrier!

Chicken Salsa Tacos– This is a great way to mix up the traditional taco. Cut into strips (fajita style) and cook 2-3 boneless, skinless chicken breast in a frying pan. Once fully cooked add some salt, pepper and oregano (or Italian seasoning). Then pour in 1 cup salsa (more or less to preference) and let that get pretty hot. Then boom you are ready to put it in some taco shells, top with cheese and lettuce and enjoy the easiest supper you’ve ever made in your life! Side note- this also makes a super delish pizza topping.

One Pot Cheeseburger Casserole– What’s better than cooking an entire supper in one pot? This supper is DELICIOUS and goes a long way- which is important when you have a lot of mouths to feed. And don’t be scared by the long ingredient list. Most of the ingredients that I think you will already have in your cupboard.

Sloppy Joes– Ok, I know you have all had sloppy joes before. But you need this recipe. It is amazing. I made this at least twice a week when I was pregnant and then froze a bunch for after baby was born. I have made this recipe on the stove top and also in the slow cooker and it turned out amazing every single time. The only things I do differently are instead of Worcestershire sauce I use soy sauce. This is only because there is no gluten free Worcestershire sauce in Inuvik. Then I add a splash of apple cider vinegar because I like a kick. Enjoy. I know you will.

Buffalo Chicken Spaghetti– Forget everything you think you know about spaghetti. Do it. Right now. Now open your mind to your new favorite pasta dish. Seriously. It is so good! You can add more or less hot sauce and ranch dressing so that it is just the right amount of spicy for you. And if you want a replacement for the ranch dressing try my recipe using Greek yogurt.

Cheesy Quesadillas– I have posted about this dish before but since we eat it at least 3x a month I have to add it to my list here. It is our favorite…I think. I always have had a hard time picking favorites of anything. When we are having quesadillas I usually boil the chicken (or fry it) earlier in the afternoon then when it is suppertime I have fully cooked chicken cut and ready to go for supper. You could even cook a bunch in the beginning of the week and have it for lunches or quick suppers all week long. We add chipotle sauce sometimes (I mix mine with plain Greek yogurt). The opportunities are endless with this dish. If it sounds yummy, throw it in! My sister got me a quesadilla maker for Christmas which makes this supper even better. Although you don’t need one it is worth the investment to get one!

I hope you are as excited for this next month of Mondays as I am! Keep checking back each Monday for new recipes and to meet the guest poster! And please share a supper idea with us before you leave!

>Meal Plan Monday Week 2<<

>Meal Plan Monday Week 3<<

>>Meal Plan Monday Week 4<<

>>Meal Plan Monday Week 5<<

9 thoughts on “Meal Plan Monday >>Week One<<

  1. Your menu sounds great! I know the feeling of getting bored with your food. I love that you are sharing friends menus, everybody’s style and flavor is a little bit different so it’s fun to get new ideas! Stopping by from the ‘making your home sing’ link up!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sandy…I’ve never had Buffalo Chicken Spaghetti. However, quesadillas are a staple in our home. Living in the southwest, we eat a lot of Mexican foods. Thank you for sharing at Monday’s Musings. 🙂


  3. Pingback: Meal Plan Monday >>Week Two<< | Creating Kilter

  4. Pingback: Meal Plan Monday >>Week Three<< | Creating Kilter

  5. Pingback: Meal Plan Monday >>Week Four<< | Creating Kilter

  6. Pingback: Meal Plan Monday >>Week Five<< | Creating Kilter

  7. Pingback: 5 Things I Am Doing to Prepare for the Homeschool Year | Creating Kilter

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