Digging Deeper in the Word {Inviting Christ to Speak}

12833295_10153984012633970_1480735439_nWelcome back to our weekly series focusing on digging deeper in God’s Word. In the past couple weeks I have given a different ways that I like to study my Bible. But today I want to give you something to think about- a challenge even.

Last week in church, a friend told a story. She said how she was sitting in an empty waiting room and decided to play some scripture songs from her phone while she waited. Not long after starting to play the songs someone called her and asked her to pray about something for her. She shared how God just prepared her heart for that phone call by listening to those Scripture songs.

It got me thinking. How do I prepare myspeak heart for my devotions? A quick skim over Facebook. See if anyone liked my photo on Instagram. Make my coffee. Check my email. Okay, now I am ready for devotions. Or am I? Have I even begun to prepare my heart for the Lord to speak to me? Not at all. And that is a sad story.

And what about during devotions? Is the tv playing in the background? Are the kids screaming on your lap for something (this is a scenario I am very familiar with)? Is your phone sitting next to you for just in case you get a text? Are you really inviting Christ to come speak to you? Are you “setting yourself up for success”? I know it’s not always possible to have complete silence with no distractions while doing devotions, but why not try? Get up earlier if you need to. Stay up later if you need to. Set a show on for the kids for a half hour. Invite Christ to speak to you!

So here’s my challenge for you all this week: have devotions before checking facebook or any other social network each day. Prepare your heart with prayer or godly music. Turn off all the background noise. Invite Christ to speak to you in your devotions this week.

Are you looking for some ideas for your personal devotions? Grace Happening and Young Housewife have been giving some great ideas! You can also find the rest of the Digging Deeper series here.

In what ways can you prepare your heart for devotions? What things do you know need to be set aside until after your devotions?


3 thoughts on “Digging Deeper in the Word {Inviting Christ to Speak}

  1. Just what I needed to hear, Sandy! I have so much background noise that I am not hearing God’s voice. Join us again this coming week at Literacy Musing Mondays. We all need reminders like this.

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